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Fsmonitor 1 1

  1. Fsmonitor 1 1/3
  2. Fsmonitor 1 1/2
  3. Fsmonitor 1 1/4

About FSMonitor

FSMonitor is a macOS application that can monitor and report all modifications to your file system as they are happening.

Tracked changes include:

Version 1.1 Released 4/23/2019 Major new features: FSMonitor now uses a completely new way to gather the file system events, and now knows the PID of the process that caused it. This allows the program to display (most of the times) the process name, path, the user id and more of the processes that initiated a file system change. FSMonitor 1.0.2. FSMonitor 1.0.2 – Monitor changes to the file system. FSMonitor monitors all changes in the file system. Track all changes to the file system, including file creation, deletion, change of content, renames, and change-of-attributes Examine the changed files with any of the four provided display modes. FSMonitor is a macOS application that can monitor and report all modifications to your file system as they are happening.

  • file creation
  • deletion
  • change of content
  • renames
  • change of attributes (i.e. modifications to permissions or owner)

Basic Operation

To start recording the file system event, launch the FSMonitor application and click the button in the toolbar. To pause monitoring events, click the button. You can also use the Space key to start and pause recording.

You can start and pause the FSMonitor multiple times.

You can save FSMonitor recordings (with ⌘S) and reopen the saved documents later. You can create, save, and open as many documents as you want.

Examining the changes

Fsmonitor 1 1/2

FSMonitor categorizes all file system changes into the following five categories. You will see them referenced in different places in the app. The categories are:

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